インドがベトナムに衛星追跡基地を建設。中国の南シナ海活動監視へ:India to build satellite tracking station in Vietnam that offers eye on China
NEW DELHI/HONG KONG, Jan 25 – India will set up a satellite tracking and imaging centre in southern Vietnam that will give Hanoi access to pictures from Indian earth observation satellites that cover the region, including China and the East Vietnam Sea, Indian officials said.The move, which could irritate Beijing, deepens ties between India and Vietnam, who both have long-running territorial disputes with China. 情報源: India to build satellite tracking station in Vietnam that offers eye on China ベトナムもインドも中国と国境を接しており、両国ともに国境問題を抱えています。お互いの利益が合致した形です。