先日ACF Proの開発元から1通のメールが届きました。Black Fridayのこの時期はさまざまなプロモーションメールが届きますが、ACF Proのメールは一見プロモーションに見えるものの、その実、すでにライフタイムライセンスを持っている人にサブスクリプションへの移行を勧めると言う酷い内容のものでした。
Hi xxxxxx,
I know you already have a lifetime license for ACF PRO, but I’m hoping you’ll consider signing up for a discounted subscription to support our ongoing work in continuing to improve Advanced Custom Fields.
We’ve shipped two major releases (5.10 & 5.11) since we took over development of the plugin from Elliot in June, including a full featured REST API! If you’re a fan of the work we’ve done so far, nothing will show our developers that you appreciate them more than signing up for an ACF PRO subscription, especially since you already have a lifetime license.
6月にElliotからプラグインの開発を引き継いだ後、フル機能のREST APIを含む2つのメジャーリリース(5.10と5.11)を出荷しました。これまでにACF Proを使ってシステム開発したACF Proのファンなら、特に生涯ライセンスをすでに持っているので、ACFPROサブスクリプションにサインアップすることが私たち開発者に対して感謝していることを示すことができます。
From now until midnight PST on Monday, November 29, we’re offering 30% off ACF PRO Agency subscriptions as part of our Black Friday sale, so it’s a good time to get on it. The more subscribers, the more resources we can devote to making ACF even better!
If you’ve been considering purchasing an ACF PRO subscription, this is the best time to do it.
We’re also offering some deep discounts on our other WordPress plugins and on SpinupWP:
50% off your first year of SpinupWP
Up to 50% off your first year of WP Migrate DB Pro
Up to 40% off your first year of WP Offload Media plus a complimentary 1-year license for WP Offload SES. Wow!
50% off your first year of WP Offload SES
All discounts are automatically applied at checkout – no coupon needed. The complimentary license for WP Offload SES will be emailed to you after purchasing WP Offload Media. Discounts do not apply to renewals.Have a question about this deal or any of our products? Hit reply and ask away – our team is ready to help.
P.S. If the thought of updating all your sites with a new ACF license key has you sweating 😅, we can help. Email us after purchase and we can move your existing license key to your new subscription.